VA Surviving Spouse Benefits
Click to link to our package of Aid and Attendance (A&A), and income/asset statement / Pension information for the Surviving Spouse.
Please review all documents and let me know if you have any questions. The two keys factors VA looks at are: medical need and net worth (Includes income). Page 3 provides a List of Documents required to File for AID and Attendance.
Not including Home, Personal Car and Personal Goods, the Surviving Spouse’s net worth cannot exceed the annual amount of: $127,061.–, for CY 2019.
If one has income other than Social Security, then a VAF21P-0969 (Attached), must be completed.
At the time of applying for A&A, and to lower the income, it is important to have an Unreimbursed Medical Expenses, such as Assistant Living Facility or In-Home Health Care Provider(s) Medical Expense(s).
Feel free to ask me questions.
If you have all Documents mentioned in Page 3, then completing TAB C Worksheet is really important because we will use your input on this form, to prepare the A&A Claim to VA PMC.
Thank you, Ed
Edwin Ortiz
Manager, Veteran Services
Division of Veterans Services
P: (813) 246-3167
M: (813) 442-2198
F: (813) 744-5560